Leading Pass Drill
RedwahTwo lines facing same direction. One cutter cuts up line. Thrower throws disc ahead of cutter.
Throwing Over the Mark Drill
pandaCutting, continuation break mark drill focusing on throwing over the mark
Cutter Ho-Stack Rotation
camuthigThis drill's goal is to work on cutter flow as the cutter's are looked off. Focus should be put on clearing decisively, while maintaining some level of eye contact with the handler, especially while clearing break side. The wings should rotate centrally and prepare their cuts as they see the initiators being looked off.
Handler Push Drill
camuthigThe goal of this drill is to define the flow of handlers as they push out of position on an up field completion. Handlers should focus on clearing wide to create space and communicating on who is pushing. As space clears up, the handlers should find a way to work their way back into the stack.
H 32 kamaleon
felipeatodofilispínSistema de Stack Horizontal para la playa con tres handlers. El objetivo es ofrecer dos buenos cortes (largo y corto) H: Sistema 3: Handlers 2: Cortadores
La Mosca
felipeatodofilispínLa Mosca: se trata de un movimiento para los handlers (3 jugadoras). El handler más cercano al disco hace un corte al DUMP y pide el disco en la línea cambiando de dirección para volver al SWING. El handler más lejano hace lo contrario, sube para después recibir en el DUMP y hacer un SWING al corte del tercer handler.
(Option #1) Sideline reset, handler clears to stack
ninjabethSideline reset with the handler clearing to the stack. Thrower looks for dump-swing option.
(Option #2) Sideline reset, handler clears to stack
ninjabethSideline reset with the handler clearing to the stack. Thrower looks for dump-swing option.
(Option #3) Sideline reset, handler clears to stack
ninjabethSideline reset with the handler clearing to the stack. Looking for a viable cut upline for a power-position throw.
Offense - middle-of-the-field resets
ninjabethMiddle-of-the-field reset movement. PLEASE NOTE: if you see 1 cutting from the back of the stack, please refresh your window until you see the 1 cutting from the second-to-the-last position. THANK YOU!!!!