
Name this play..ho


Describe the play  


Name this play (Copy)


Describe the play  


Name this play


Describe the play  


4s Sidestack ISO


Flood plays only work if there is a vague threat of you cutting openside from the sidestack. This is a basic ISO from sidestack. Set up and see what the matchups are and call ISO (1, 2, or 3). That player gets 3 cuts in the lane to get open, the deepest in the stack will continue off of them or fill if they clear.  


4s Sidestack Pipeline (1, 3)


Flood plays only work if there is a vague threat of you cutting openside from the sidestack. This is basically a version of pipeline or a 1-5 vertical stack play. 1 initiates and drives hard across then straight deep (should be out fastest player), hopefully pulling defender 3. 3 comes in open side and 2 can jab open and cut for a swing pass.  


4s Flood 3


This is a basic flood play. The 3 players in the sidestack are numbered 1, 2, 3 from closest to the thrower. Always set up on the opposite side of the thrower or breakside if in the middle. 2 and 1 cut across, 3 jabs out and then comes back for a swing. 2 then continues.  


4s Flood 2


This is a basic flood play. The 3 players in the sidestack are numbered 1, 2, 3 from closest to the thrower. Always set up on the opposite side of the thrower or breakside if in the middle. All players push across and 2 comes back, they get a choice of coming in or out depending on how their defender sets up. Make sure to space so as not to pick.  


4s Flood 1


This is a basic flood play. The 3 players in the sidestack are numbered 1, 2, 3 from closest to the thrower. Always set up on the opposite side of the thrower or breakside if in the middle. 2 and 3 push across, 1 jabs in then strikes deep. 2 makes a 7 cut back as an alternative.  


4s Reverse


This is the opposite of sideline. It works best if either the other team is predicting us to use sideline, or if the defender on the handler is really poaching the upline. Player 2 makes a deep strike, player 4 attacks deep then in on the open, and 3 cuts for a swing.  


4s Sideline


If the disc is on the sideline we look to reset the disc. 2 makes an upline cut, 3 clears (could get a hammer or a huck), and 4 fakes then attacks in for another swing option.  


5v5 Offense - Open Side Horizontal Flow


This is a basic offensive flow for a 5v5 horizontal setup. The offense attacks the open side with a well coordinated set of cuts and continuation passes for a quick strike the the endzone. NOTES: Although not shown here, the handlers would be readjusting to give reset options throughout. Cutters should aim to initiate an in cut as soon as a reset occurs to keep the defense on the backstep. RESET OPTIONS: If the first pass is not available, the open-side and break-side cutters should cut back out and the middle cutter should cut in to receive the pass off the reset. If the second pass is not available, the break-side cutter should wait for the handlers to swing and time an in cut. If the scoring pass is not available, the disc should be reset and the cutters should either set up an endzone stack or isolate one cutter for a scoring attempt.  


Stack Verticale sur le côté


Mettre le disque dans le tiers central du terrain avant de lancer le play. Objectif : jouer des isolations avec l'espace le plus ouvert possible. On désigne sur la ligne le joueur prio 1 et le joueur prio 2 en visant les missmatch. Adapter les cuts au positionnement du vis-à vis en défense. Pour le joueur isolé, le plan est simple : un cut, un contre-cut, puis recyclage dans la stack côté pour laisser la place à un copain. Important d'identifier la force adverse : rôle des joueurs sur le terrain mais aussi de la sideline : communication primordiale ! L'idée est de garder la stack côté sur plusieurs passes.