
Reset Sideline No Around Force


Aim to isolate to quick players in the middle of the field. They run give-go style flow and engage handlers when needed. Handlers need to stay well clear, or if their defender poaches, push in enough to bring them back honest.  


Reset Force Sideline


Aim to isolate to quick players in the middle of the field. They run give-go style flow and engage handlers when needed. Handlers need to stay well clear, or if their defender poaches, push in enough to bring them back honest.  


Reset Midfield - the Blow By


Aim to isolate to quick players in the middle of the field. They run give-go style flow and engage handlers when needed. Handlers need to stay well clear, or if their defender poaches, push in enough to bring them back honest.  




Standard endzone play, looking to score with good horizontal movement and maximizing space for 3 people to move the disc. Important to call out the 3 players you want to run the endzone before the point starts. These are people you ideally have in the endzone, but don't force the issue if someone else is in a better position initially. If you're running the endzone and weren't the three called, find a time when the play/disc moves away from you to make your way into the stack. Generally want players who are good at quick disc movement, able to throw good resets, and good at cutting in tight spaces. Usually handlers or initiating cutters.  




Basic ho play.  


Side stack


Offensive play to start a point, providing a lot of room for cutters to attack and forcing defenders to make tough decisions on when to poach and when to play tight. Typical players: Pull catcher: Comfortable with catching and fielding pulls. Not afraid to catch a pull even if it is at their knees. Also comfortable with being a reset and resetting the disc. Center handler: Someone who can break the mark and huck well. Should be comfortable in making tight throws as it will be needed to get the offense moving in some cases. Stack setter: Someone with good field sense to follow the play and able to make reset cuts to save a possession when needed. 1 & 2: Ideally good initiating cutters that can win 1v1s to get open, make deep cuts, and make good deep throws. 3: Good continue cutter able to keep the offense moving and comfortable moving the disc quickly. Finisher: Good at scoring either by being a deep threat or in 1v1 situations in the endzone.  


Angled Vert Stack

Classy Ultimate

Rule of thumb: stack should be on invisible line between thrower and the front cone of the endzone on the opposite sideline  


Offense triangle


Describe the play  


Kill Drill


Describe the play  


Fury Reset


When we swing the disc off the force sideline in a horizontal stack, the breakside handler should clear strike to open up a big breakside continue from the far cutter.  


UNC Horo


original idea  


Basic cut!


Describe the play