Offense - stack progression (out-cuts)
ninjabethMovement to initiate offense with a deep continue cut.
Sideline reset, deep look from break side (hooray handlers!)
ninjabethSideline reset WITH deep look from the break side from the clearing handler.
End Zone Drill W/ Defender
mikekanabyNormal dump, swing end zone drill with an added defender to pressure the swings. Defender is not going for d's, just focusing on sealing their mark and forcing the thrower to throw around them. Also puts emphasis on the timing of the cutters.
Basic Vert Stack Examples
ddhansen1234These are some examples of vert stack offense with 2 handlers, 1 rock, and 4 cutters
Basic Vert Stack Examples
ddhansen1234These are some examples of vert stack offense with 2 handlers, 1 rock, and 4 cutters
Basic Vert Stack Examples
ddhansen1234These are some examples of vert stack offense with 2 handlers, 1 rock, and 4 cutters
zDEPRECATED Modified Endzone Drill Cut Front
SurlyAdminVariation of the endzone drill where cuts come from the front instead of the back.