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Recent Updates
v2.0.0 Feb 20th, 2025
We're excited to announce that Playspedia has a new playmaker that has been rebuilt from the ground up. Currently, supporting Ultimate Frisbee, expect the play maker to support all popular sports in the coming weeks.
This release is available for premium members (Coaches, Captains plans) and will be released to the general public in the coming weeks as the features are tested and ironed out. Any plays you create with the new playmaker will NOT COUNT towards your quota during this beta release time.
Check out a demo of the play maker here.

Here's a highlight of the notable changes from the current playmaker
- A large canvas
- Better control over curved paths
- Support for multiple fields
- Zoom in and out
- Variable playback speed
- Pencil
A list of features to be added shortly
- Text labels
- Fields for all supported sports
- Sharing + Embedding play
- Library picker of items (cones, nets, basketball hoops, etc...)
And a list of known issues or limitations to be aware of
- Mobile Support Coming

- Hockey has launched!
- Added filtering by sport type to main search
- Telestrator: Show direction of movement of players and items with ability to turn off.
- Support for Soccer
- Filtering by categories
- Basic Support for Tennis
- Mobile Enhancements
- Play Viewing - Fix placement of tool tip on mobile view
- Mobile Enhancements
- Better viewing experience
- Tool tip of step descriptions
- Playmaker
- Faster performance of plays
- Mobile touch friendly
- Team Playbooks
- Playmaker rebuilt
- Memberships Upgraded
- Premium Membership Launched
- Rebuilt site on new web technology
Have an idea or a request?
Submit your ideas by sending us a message through the chat link at the bottom.