


Warmup with cuts, horizontal lead pass, sideline pass & sideline defense  


Set play from endzone, ho stack


exploits holes in the defense to push it up field with quick cuts until a deep makes a move and strikes. Run it right off a pull and you should have an open throw to your deep.  


Basic Endzone with Wheel


The Big Ideas: 1. Advantages: 1. Disadvantages: 1. Responsibilities: Handlers- Cutters-  


Endzone from Sideline


The Big Ideas: 1. Advantages: 1. Disadvantages: 1. Responsibilities: Handlers- Cutters-  




This is an isolation play. The players stack closely at the back of the end zone. Player #4 is your best cutter/best mismatch. Player 4 moves up and makes a cut for the catch. If player 4 does not shake their mark, the move up the sideline and get to the back of the stack while the handlers dump and reset. If a second mark moves in to help mark the unmarked player should move to the open side of the field. Handlers may also take the opportunity to cut into the open side of the field.  


Attaque - Stack horizontal


Stack horizontal  


L to the B. Rambo/Mullet


Vertical play to be used anytime there is enough time to set up. This is a play where only the males cut on the break side for two consecutive throws. Then it becomes flow with the disc going to who ever is open. This play is called by the handler using "Rambo" or "Mullet" but not both. This allows for multiple calls for the same play. With the play being specific to gender and not player position in the stack, it will take longer for the opposition to figure out the call.  


BW Sideline Dump


Just various dump sideline scenarios  


3-2-2(1-1) Trap Zone A


The Big Ideas: *Give up something, but not everything *When a zone D compresses the O, it wins *Play person to person defense within your space *Communication is key Advantages: 1. Slow down offense 2. Constricts playing space for the O 3. Puts pressure on weak handlers 4. Forces lots of throws 5. Transition into a sideline trap on both sides Disadvantages: 1. Can be beaten with PATIENCE (i.e. continuous swinging to tire the cup out then hit poppers when available) Responsibilities: 1. Cup (Push point, Trap point, and Middle)-Trap-P and Middle set a 'flat mark" denying all upfield throws while Push-P forces a swing to the force side so a trap can be set. 2. Wings (weakside, trapside)-Cover poppers and offensive wings. Play up and towards the middle when possible making the O throw over you. On a swing to sideline, cover the line first then the middle. Take away throws directly on sideline. 3. Deeps (short and deep)-Take away long throws and play up when possible. Person to Person defense. Short Deep talks to cup while Deep Deep talks to Wings. CALL ON: Any fruit or vegetable CALL OFF: Any Pastry  


1-3-3 Trap Zone


The Big Ideas: *Give up something, but not everything *When a zone D compresses the O, it wins *Play man to man defense within your space *Force lots of passes *Communication is key Advantages: 1. Take deep options away 2. Constricts playing space for the O 3. Puts pressure on weak handlers 4. Forces lots of sideline throws 5. Transition into a sideline trap on both sides Disadvantages: 1. Can be beaten easily with PATIENCE (i.e. continuous swinging to tire the rabbit out then hit poppers when available) 2. Can be broken with quick throwing forcing rabbit to play catch up. Responsibilities: 1. Rabbit-Deny all upfield throws by utilizing a flat mark to force a swing to either sideline so a trap can be set. 2. 1st Wall-Cover poppers by limiting space in front or between each player in the wall. Also, 2/3 of the wall will always serve as part of the sideline trap on either sideline. 3. 2nd Wall-Take away long throws and play up when possible  


Basic guarding


Where should you position yourself to guard a receiver? Watch red player 2 guard blue player 2 in a home force.  


H Stack-Diamond #2


The Big Ideas: 1. Create space in the middle of the field and utilize that space for big gainers 2. Spread defense out and exploit one on one match-ups Advantages: 1. Spreads defense out and isolates athletic players in one on one situation 2. Sets up a number of deep options Disadvantages: 1. Less effective against teams who sag in the middle, however, creates an opportunity to counter by moving the disc up the sideline quickly. Responsibilities: Handlers- Cutters (On Stage, Wings)-