
Front Heavy Vert Stack


If cuts are coming from the front of the stack it will be important to start the stack farther up the field to leave space for an in cut. An important part of this offense is going to be recognizing where the disc is in relation to the stack. There is no point in the front of the stack cutting if they are behind the disc and the back of the stack needs to recognize that and make a cut.  




A fairly simple play that can be called out after a stoppage of play when the disc is close to the middle of the field.  


3-2-2 Zone trap


Defensive players 1,3 are chasers 2 is a middle 4,5 are wings 6 short deep 7 deep The idea behind this zone is to have easy open throws until the trap is put on at which point there are 0 short throws. It works best in high wind etc where longer throws will be disrupted by the weather. As always with zone communication is key.  


U N sistema dump and swing en la línea

Draco Flyover

Sistema de dump and swing desde la linea: El objetivo de este sistema es salir de la línea de una manera rápida y efectiva, con lo cual se pretenete llevar el disco hasta el otro costado de la cancha y así abrir espacio de juego.  


U Nacional Sistema de cortes en stack vertical

Draco Flyover

El objetivo de este sistema es abrir espacio a los costados de la cancha para que los cortadores realicen una serie de cortes con los cuales se busca generar varias opciones de pases a los armadores y avanzar el disco en el campo, ya sea con un pase corto o con un pase largo. Durante el juego esto se hace de manera cíclica ya que durante un punto de ataque los cortadores en el stack cortan y se organizan repetidamente avanzando el disco en la cancha hasta lograr atrapar el disco en zona de gol.  




WarmUp with long throws, lead passes & a huck.  


Attaque - Diamond (contre une cup)


Attaque contre une cup  


copa de 4


copa de 4 personas llegando al disco  


defensa en pared


defensa en pared contra stack vertical  


copa contra horizontal


defensa en copa contra ofensa en stack horizontal... y como volver a armar la copa al momento de un quiebre  


H Stack-Diamond #1


The Big Ideas: 1. Create space in the middle of the field and utilize that space for big gainers 2. Spread defense out and exploit one on one match-ups Advantages: 1. Spreads defense out 2. Sets up a number of deep options 3. Isolates athletic players in one on one situation Disadvantages: Less effective against teams who sag in the middle, however, creates an opportunity to counter by moving the disc up the sideline quickly. Responsibilities: Handlers- Cutters (On Stage, Wings)-  




jugada natural a partir del horizontal