
Gin & Tonic - Option 1


Here is option 1 for Gin & Tonic.  


H Stack - Bow Ties - Disc is on the sideline


One option for falling into bow ties when the disc is on the side line - the cutter closest to the disc on the break side makes the first in cut - the player on the sideline makes a break cut. the far side players stretch out and prepare force side in cuts - the farthest away will need to wait and be the next in cut - will be a weird rotation for 1 but should fall back into regular bow ties easily  


H Stack - Bow Ties - Disc is on the sideline


One option for falling into bow ties when the disc is on the side line - the cutter closest to the disc on the break side makes the first in cut - the player on the sideline makes a break cut. the far side players stretch out and prepare force side in cuts - the farthest away will need to wait and be the next in cut - will be a weird rotation for 1 but should fall back into regular bow ties easily  


H Stack - Bow Ties - Disc is on the sideline


One option for falling into bow ties when the disc is on the side line - the cutter closest to the disc on the break side makes the first in cut - the player on the sideline makes a break cut. the far side players stretch out and prepare force side in cuts - the farthest away will need to wait and be the next in cut - will be a weird rotation for 1 but should fall back into regular bow ties easily  


H Stack - Bow Ties - Disc is Centered


Here is a general overview of how the flow of our bow ties should go when the disc is centered.  


Split Stack


Here is a general idea of how our split stack will work.  


Vert Stack - Option 3


Last option that a handler should always have in a vert stack - the bail out dump/swing from the off handler. Should look for this ~stall 5.  


Vert Stack - Option 2


Option for vert stack offense - in cuts to the force side, starting from the back. After each cut, cutters cycle back to the 1 spot and continuously move upfield.  


Vert Stack - Option 1


One option that a handler should have at all times in the vertical stack - a break throw to the 1 in the stack - making eye contact at all times. Play should continue with continuous quick breaks up the field.  




Endzone set play  


Endzone Fence 5vs5; Force Middle


Wenn wir ca. 1/3-1/4 vor unserer Endzone in der Verteidigung sind, wechseln wir in einen Fence mit Force Middle. Dieses Play zeigt euch die Umstellung und ein paar beispielhafte Spielzüge im Fence.  


Grundbewegungen im 3er Cup (5gg5)


Dieses "Play" zeigt euch die Grundaufstellung in einer 5vs5 Zone wie wir sie am Mi., 8.7. im Training gelaufen sind. Achtet speziell auf die Cuprotation (wie stark forct der Mark) und auf die typischen Bewegungen der Short Deeps.