utahericAvalanche is a vert stack flood play. You call avalanche home or away and a player we want to iso. Everyone moves in the direction the of avalanche call and the iso player cuts the opposite way. When we call this play we will say "Avalanche Home Jace" Jace being 5 in this example and home being to the right or open side.
STANDARD - Ho-Stack Sideline Motion
brandoncontarsyThis set is for when our D forces a turn (OB) and we have an opportunity to setup our O (ie - disc out of bounds) on either outer-third of the field.
EndZone O - Sideline
brandoncontarsyThis is our standard EndZone look when the disc is on an outer third of the field.
EndZone O - Centered
brandoncontarsyThis is our progression for running EndZone O when the disc is in the middle third of the field.
Attack the Sag-D in Ho
brandoncontarsyWe can't be content to just take what the D is giving us (free throw to the sideline) when we are setup in an offense that is predicated on attacking the middle.
George Washington (side stack)
MKEmike43verThis is how the side stack should be run. UPDATES!!! Start on play 34 for the new updates.