Awareness Drill
ultimatesmurf87Focus is to communicate and be aware of where each other are going. Great for practicing talking to team mates on the field, like in zone! No disc is needed! Credit/creator: Idaho Arambula
Airplane drill
ultimatesmurf87A great way to practice the mark stopping the next pass after the swing has gotten off. A way for the cup to practice containing the disc.
ultimateSUset play for horizontal. usually done from a timeout or brick pull. one of the stronger handlers(1O) switches with a cutter in the stack(5O). we use a flood to create space, a big under to gain yards to a handler, and a huck for a score. this is a play designed for teams who may not have cutters with good hucks. instead, the handler playing in the cutting spot allows for a more aggressive offensive attempt.
Sideline SS or 2nd
prestommSS is always on the left, 2nd is always on the right. If "second" is called, then SS (5) and 2nd Base (6) switch places in the animation, but everything else remains the same. Handle should take one look at the hot cut (SS or 2nd), then look to the catcher.
Offensive Attack of 3 person cup Zone
adrewsHow we beat a 3 man cup zone. We had trouble on sunday because we were missing 10 meters of field width making the swings impossible to complete. With a full field, this zone is relatively easy to beat if we are focused and disciplined to work the system together :) Note: the diagram makes it look like there is not much horizontal space to work with because the players are gigantic, but on a normal field it will be fine.