jamesburbidge3 person drill that practices the dump, swing, lead pass combo.
7 man kill drill
briandavidhenderson7 man kill drill with one disk, more then one can be used.
Center Stack
benjaminchinHere's our center stack, note that you can hit the cutter at two critical points: when he's cutting down the throwing line or when he crosses for the break.
Beach Zone
liamgrant2-2-1 zone defence. forcing middle. similar to one we have used before in indoors. players one and two are always marking disc and take turns forcing as the disc moves from side to side. two mids shutting down short passes on their respective sides and a deep being boss. its a soft zone so its good if your ahead in a game and want to slow play down.
Endzone Warmup
adrianliemHere is a classic warm-up drill that works on endzone cuts, going-to the disc, and dump-swing-flow.