Run and catch drill
xxonxA little drill to work on catching the disc on the run as well as acceleration, speed and stamina (cutter), and on accurate throwing (handler).
3 cone speed and catch drill
xxonxThis drill is executed with full speed, it works on agility, change of direction, speed and catching on the run.
Evil cut throw and go
MadDogIICThis drill focuses on moving the disc quick from the sideline to the middle upfield. Quick throw and go cuts from handlers moves the disc upfield and off the sideline.
Zone- Wings
nwhale517This is the basic movement for how the wings (blue 6 and 7) move against a zone defense
Zone- Poppers/Middles
nwhale517This is the basic movement for how the poppers will play against a zone defense
Zone- Handlers
nwhale517This is the basic movement for swinging the disc between the handlers against a zone defense