Box out Drill
markmilnePlayers are in pairs, offence starts slightly before defence. Thrower puts up a floaty throw that will hang (should not be a foot race). Offence player uses body position and reads the disk for the catch. Defence tries to out position the offence player for a block. Pairs swap roles each time.
Cut & Catch vs Defender
jankruegerreceiver cuts behind the defender, picks him up and tries to catch the disc first. defender ist allowed to run/receive the sic to a imaginary line. offender ist allowed to run 2m further.
Endzone ISO
chetulaneFew things are more frustrating than marching the disc up the field step-by-step, only to lose it in the red zone. The ISO is a simple play based on making the whole endzone available, while still focusing on a single, catchable throw for the point.