
3v3 - Force side Trap -p2


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3v3 - Force side Trap


Describe the play  




Describe the play  




Describe the play  


Break Side DogSheep


The ideas talked about for getting the disc to the force side in the other two slides applies here-rather than talk about specific cases I wanted to talk about this position in a more general sense. This is the most precarious position for our defense to be in. We want our mark to be almost straight up, with substanial lane help from the reset sheepdog (and CM). This would function very similar to a cup in this instance, trying to give the offense minimal windows to throw downfield. (2-4) We aren't as concerned if the defense dumps the disc, as we have our quasi-cup in position to set up quickly. If the offense swings to the forceside of the field, the sheepdogs will need to react quickly to cover the forceside of the field. (5-6)When the offense swings the disc, the sheepdog who was helping in the land and the CM move with the disc to set the zone up, while the mark stays on the breakside.  


DogSheep Middle of Field Defense


1)Default starting position. We do not worry about guarding the forceside handler. In this case the reset sheepdog is guarding the breakside handler. If they swing to the forceside we revert to the forceside positioning 2-3)Reset Sheepdog plays person defense until they're about even with the disc horizontally, then recover to the breakside. If no one is present they should hang out in the forceside lane 4-5)In the event the breakside handler goes strike, the reset sheepdog should play person defense until the CM can pick up, after which they should find the next person breakside to guard, or stay in the lane to help force forceside 6-7)If the force side reset cuts straight behind, the marking sheepdog should cover the reset, while the sheepdog on the reset should take the mark 8) Vert stack is similar to ho stack, but simpler. If the reset is on the forceside the reset sheepdog stays in the lane, otherwise the reset sheepdog is playing person defense  


DogSheep Force Side Defnese


1-2)initial starting position for CM in ho stack. Reset Sheepdog is playing standard person defense on primary reset to start (very slightly upfield). As long as reset is not moving horizontally, sheedog should play tight defense while challenging an upfield cut 3-4)If Primary Reset goes strike, sheep dog challenges until CM picks up, then picks up next handler 5-6)If Primary Reset goes for a dump, sheepdog challenges until roughly even with the disc, then picks up next handler. CM should be ready to challenge handler crash 7-8)If broken, primary task of sheep dogs is to seal the breakside. Priority should be stopping downfield throws prior to establishing a mark. Once force is re-established, one sheepdog should resume marking while the other guards the breakside handler. Note that the sheepdog guarding the reset doesn't necessarily stay on the same person (in fact switching is encouraged)  


Help Defense from Break Side

Supernova Ultimate

Describe the play  


Break throw after poach

Supernova Ultimate

Describe the play  


endzone 1


Describe the play  


Weave endzone


The last bit of the weave  




An offensive indoor tactic