supmasZone defense is generally used in windy conditions, to force teams with solid (hard to stop) offensive sets to make sketchy throws, and with newer teams in order to shorten points. The general strategy is to guard space instead of people to put more pressure on the disc (as is the case in a cup defense) and increase the number of throws needed to makes yard (leading to a higher chance of a dropped pass). In general, handler defenders are poachy (generally gaurding handler space where they see fit to stop handler resets) and other defenders are guarding certain spaces on the field and picking up offensive cutters that run into their spaces (e.g. the deep-deep will sit in deep space and if a cutter runs into deep space, they will run to catch up to them and block the throw). This defensive play involves a higher level of field awareness than person defense as it requires that all players on the field anticipate cuts before they occur and make small changes in their position as needed.
Handler Movement for Vert Stack (A)
supmasHandler movement is highly variable depending on the frequency/quality of cuts, defensive intensity, and many other situational conditions (wind, etc.). This is just one example of how handler movement can be used to advance the disc down the field.
acwyatt415 has to come under with a convincing cut. 1 fakes break side under and then takes off deep. You do not want 5's defender to hang out in the deep space, but if they do, you get a free under to 5, but again, the look is deep. (force is too the left side of the field)
trap side resets variation 2
acwyatt41Another variation of handler resets from the trapped side line. This is easier to practice in person, but just to see what the cut should look like.
Trap side line resetting-Variation 1
acwyatt41Break side handler sets up 2 yards up field from the disc. There are multiple possible cuts from this position. The far side handler is waiting for the center handler to clear and which time the far side handler fills the vacated space. Its hard to illistrate, but the far side handler is doing the opposite of the center handler.