
Test test


Describe the play  




Se inicia la jugada, con un stack horizontal bien distribuido a lo ancho de la cancha, aprox a 20m de manejo. El manejo se posiciona empleando las posiciones de poder. (manejo del lado abierto retrasado, manejo del lado cerrado adelantado). Si el disco lo tiene 1, cortan 4 y 5. Si el disco lo tiene 2, cortan 5 y 6. Si el disco lo tiene 3, cortan 6 y 7. La persona que "inicia" el corte eligiendo hacia donde cortar, es quien esté del lado ABIERTO. En este caso dan forehand, por lo que siempre será la que está a la derecha de la pareja activa. El compañero de la pareja activa, espeja al corte. En este drill, no se muestra el trabajo de manejos. Esto se mostrará en otro drill. No prestar atención al paso 5 por ahora.  


FSU ho zone


The goal of this play is to break pull plays. We only stay in it for one or two throws. As soon as they get into momentum, we can let it go and settle into regular defense.  


FSU vert zone


The goal of this play is to break pull plays. We only stay in it for one or two throws. As soon as they get into momentum, we can let it go and settle into regular defense.  


Standard ho (center, trap, break)


Not rules-based, it's principle based! 1. Look for open space - you must clear and don't stand still too long 2. Flow away from the disc 3. When we start swings, look sideline to sideline when possible 4. Deep cuts are still viable 5. Look at handler bumps 6. When a cutter gets the disc on the trap side, the break side handler must clear into the cutting slot 7. Don't stay on the trap sideline too long. Keep the disc moving and look at your reset 8. Communicate as cutters  




PLACESM (dead-disc vert plays) potato breakside one to five Lumberjack one under breakside deep, five goes open side under, four also goes Ares/airey’s? - breakside play to bounce Candy in out in 3 deep, quick cuts, five sets direction Egg - TRAP strike / fill Sausage - sideline, dump isolation Moses - reverse candy handler calls play  


Sponge rotation


Initial setup here is Squidward. Calls to the new defense, followed by Left/Right denotes which way the defense is rotating. From Squidward: Patrick, Right: The Right Wing, rotates back to Right Deep Deep. The Short Deep, rotates right to Right Wing. The Left Wing, slides down and towards the middle of the field (still playing Left Wing). The Deep Deep, slides left to Left Deep Deep.  


3-3-1 Zone with Trap


Describe the play  


Cattle (diamond zone)


Watch the unders and hand off through communication Don't overpursue on strikes or back dumps Deeps with athletic advantages should feel okay to push in slightly on traps Point always marks Two man cup on sidelines (3rd person guards dump) Aggressive wings (force over the top throws and throws up the sideline) The mid (R4) can feel free to turn their back to the handler so they can see downfield threats and communicate to the team  


Standard vert (center, trap, break)


In our standard vert stack, we have three handlers - one active (B1), one dump (B2), and one set (B1). We have three cutters - B5, B6, B7. Our bailout is B4. Our goal is to generate multiple quality looks to the breakside, consistently reset the disc, and to generate flow through having good continuation options. Remember that the stack should constantly be adjusting to space appropriately, and that while the two is typically inactive, they must pay close attention so they can give feedback after the point and fill in if they’re poached or something breaks down (which it often does). Remember that our offenses are not rules base, but principle-based. Key principles: 1. clear to 3 in the stack - don't come too deep! 2. dump and the 1 are resets 3. make well-timed continue cuts 4. swing quickly from trap side 5. cutters should be communicating about timing  


Entrenamiento Stack Horizontal


Sistema de Stack Horizontal, corte y limpieza  


Rombo drill


Ejercicio de corte rápido y corto, de alta intensidad. Se mide por tiempo. Set 1 30 seg - Set 2 45 seg - Set 3 60 seg - Set 4 45 seg.