Flood Gate (Right)
jcirniresembles standard flow but creates a deep opportunity for the 5 by clearing the middle of the field
Fire Drill
jcirnipush the pace on the turn, take advantage of defense finding their match ups. Our offense looks to clear away from the disc, pull their defenders and make big easy and open plays
Vertical Center/Fore-side Dump Set
DavidNguyenWhen the dump is positioned on the open side of the field, they are 45 degrees behind the disc. Position 45 behind whenever on the fore-side or when disc is in 2/3 and 3/3 of the field. We’re negative instead of positive on the fore-side to clear up space and prevent dump defender from playing loose and clogging open side.
Strike Progression
DavidNguyenTaking the Strike option instead of the around. This option gives you power position to add momentum into your hucks. Cutters need to recognize power position from the handler to cut accordingly.
Around Progression
DavidNguyenAs the dump positioned on the break-side, you are at a positive angle in relation to the disc. You have two main options. To strike or to play the around. Play whatever the defense is giving you.
side stack simulación
JuangoColSimulación del side stack utilizando cortes continuos. Mantener intensidad por 10 lanzamientos. Drill para tres personas. Los conos no deben tener una apertura mayor a diez pasos. Debe concentrarse en los cortes lineales y la intesidad.