amz11_11C - Chase: Follows the disc and always have the force. R/L - Right and left part of the wall: They take their positions based on the force and the middle. M - Middle wall player: Responsible for tracking all crashes. W - Wings: Standard wingy stuff. D - Deep: Be a beast
amz11_111 - Point: Follows the disc and puts on a straight up mark. 2&3 - Wings: Do not let the disc go around them, take the force when it is in their side. 4&5 - Middles: Plug the holes between 1,2&3 by tracking runners and passing off. 6&7 - Deeps: Pick up the deepest offensive players and protect against the deep shot.
2015 Młyn - endzone
helioto nie jest zagrywka, to jest rutyna, schemat, nawyk. możemy mieć 1/2/3 handlerów przed zoną- Młyn działa zawsze. Dążymy do ograniczania liczby zawodników za dyskiem i demokratyzację rozegrania, ale liderzy handlingu proszeni są o pozostawanie pod grą i cierpliwość z dyskiem szczególnie ze środka.
Ho Stack, Side (C)
J-marThis is the default for when we run ho and the disc is on the force sideline
Orange Crush
J-marThis is the default endzone play. 1 goes break then open, 2 goes break. Easy peasy
Ho Stack, Centered
J-marThis is the default cutter and handler rotation in our ho stack when the disc is centered (at B)