
Handler reset (breakside)


Standard reset from breakside  


Base Hozo Flow


Center of the field  


Wheel Option 1 - Defense Flashes


This is the original reset play that is ran - a wheel to get the disc on the break side: <br> <br> That play, however, assumes that the reset defender is following the handler in the wheel, allowing the break side lane to be open. This is an unrealistic assumption. Instead it is more likely that the defensive players would either switch, the reset defender (Red 2) would sprint into the break side lane to block the continuation throw. <br> <br> This play starts with the wheel being successful, but the defensive player flashing into the lane blocking the continuation throw to the break side.  


Option 1: Wheel - Defenders don't switch


Describe the play  


Wheel Option 2 - Tight Reset Defense


This is the original reset play that is ran - a wheel to get the disc on the break side: <br> <br> That play, however, assumes that the reset defender is poached off the disc. While that is likely the case early on, it certainly will not always be the case. <br> <br> When the reset defender is playing tight, the wheel is harder to execute - not impossible, but harder. In the advent that the first wheel look (to the break side) fails, the reset is going to jab step and come back to the open side to reset the disc. In the event that the reset fails, we look for a secondary reset (Blue 3) - to be discussed in another play.  


Endzone Drill


Endzone drill to practice continue break throws after a break side cut. Defender should allow the first cutter to catch the throw but should attempt to deny the next break throw. This should be run on both sides of the field. Progression will be defense -->offense-->throwing line-->throw-->cutting line. This is a great drill to work on timing the continue cut, setting a good mark quickly, and setting your grip and getting a good controlled break throw off in a game like situation.  




Slightly new endzone offense. Cuts are always from the front now(for the most part). No more continue cuts from the back as a general statement. Cuts from the back almost never work against competent defenders and this should eliminate a lot of confusion about where continues come from. This is a set play for when the disc is on the force sideline, but this should also be run if the disc starts in the middle of the field and is swung to the force side. The general idea is that the handler on the breakside should always make the strike cut here to open up the break side of the field(and maybe even score if their defender doesnt realize they are cutting to the back cone). The front of the stack will cut to the force side cone, and often the defender of the 2nd person in the stack will be poaching or sleeping and player 3 should have a fairly easy reset cut. Cuts should be made all the way to the cone, and everyone should be clearing hard to the back of the stack.  


Name this play


Describe the play  


Bow Tie Base Flow


Describe the play  




Captain (triangle) starts with disc. We look upline for ~2 seconds then look at 1 to start the drill. a) Upline cut from 1 b) Well timed deep/under cut from 2. Defender is playing hard defense, but lets them get the disc to keep the drill going. c) Deep cut from 3 with full defense. Don't poach. Offense can come back under if the throw is faked off.  


HO odejście od linii


Szukamy prostych rzeczy, wykorzystując błędy przeciwnika . w ho chcemy mieć dysk na środku, więc jeżeli tylko możemy handler1(h1) rzuca w1 tempo do h2. [STEP 2] Jeżeli to niemożliwe gramy parą cutterów przed dyskiem - czyli w tym wypadki c4 i c5 [STEP4] generalnie przeciwnik musi zjebać krycie żeby to się udało, plus de facto dużo nam to nie daje, wciąż gnieździmy się przy linii. dlatego preferujemy pleja SPIERDOLKA [STEP 5 i 6] c4 i c5 dynamicznie czyszczą IN w zamkniętą(nie chcemy zostawiać połczów, zaczynamy od wejścia w przeciwnika, przykucia jego uwagi). w tym samym czasie c6 i c7 wychodzą out przyjmując bardziej centralne pozycje. oczywiście może pójść haczek. [STEP 6] bardziej prawdopodobny jest gejner do c6, z możliwością haczka do c7 lub wejścia in po kolejnego gejnera. c4 c5 pozycjonują się do kontynuacji SZYBKO czyszcząc pole pod grę handlerów. [STEP 7] h3 powinien szeroko wyczyścić pozwalając na grę h1 i h2 z c6. robi nam się z tego de facto sajdzik.  


3-man handler weave


Describe the play