Horizontal Offense
BooyaStandard Offense. The goal is to initially get offense moving with a sweep from one of the wings of the offense. We want to catch the disc with momentum to the live side (the direction the sweep is running towards). After the catch, we want to take advantage of our momentum and ample space by letting smart creative players take the space as they see best. We have included some examples, but we trust the cutters to make the best decisions possible. As always, be decisive, be aggressive, and be smart!
juanervasSalir jugando cuando el disco está de un lado y nos dan el medio. Conectamos con un corte que venga al centro y de una buscamos avanzar con el otro handler que acompaña por el lado abierto. El handler libre debe amagar un berkley o dump para alejar a su defensa del corredor que se crea sobre la línea del lado que nos están dando. Una vez llegado a la línea se amaga la continuación y se devuelve el disco al primer handler, rompiendo el lado, y volviendo a empezar para volver a avanzar por el corredor abierto.
Arrow head
leanneoneill44In the arrow head zone we want to encourage the disc to be passed to the sideline and then trap the O on the sideline. We really don't want the disc to be thrown into the middle of the pitch.
indycondorThe intent of the play is two-fold 1. Slow down offensive sets 2. Force lots of throws, protect the upfield throws, get the D's on the swings and throws around the wall. The execution of the play allows for variations 1. Play zone or person defense behind the wall. 2. Play wall across the field or switch to a sideline trap 3. Depending on weather, guard the skip pass hard or defend the middle handler and wing guards the skip pass. 4. Play protective (guard upfield) or aggressive wings (poach the swing passes hard)