Name this play
[email protected]Este es la 2da variante del stack horizontal que tendremos cuando no jueguen en defensa personal

Horizontal variante "MEDIO"
[email protected]Este es el sistema para reciclar base en un stack horizontal si estamos pidiendo la variante "CENTRO", también veremos otras variantes por eso importante asociar los nombres

brunojKlasyczna zagrywka z rzutem na hucka, w zagrywce uczestniczą 3 ostatnie osoby w stacku

Passing Pattern - Variation 2 (Copy)
MustardDrill to work on passing and moving with variations introduced to create different passing options and then choice and reaction to teammates decisions.

Passing Pattern - Variation 2
MustardDrill to work on passing and moving with variations introduced to create different passing options and then choice and reaction to teammates decisions.

Passing Pattern - Variation 1
MustardDrill to work on passing and moving with variations introduced to create different passing options and then choice and reaction to teammates decisions.