Ho-stack 1
DeskStack horizontal Los dos jugadores del lado abierto cortan al largo (corte real son opcion de pase) el jugador del lado cerrado hace un corte diagonal al lado abierto si recibe busca la continuacion del jugador 4 -5

Hori Off
Nam AnhThe set play No. 1 for the Horizontal Stack What to keep in mind: - There must always be an Under Space (empty space with no one in it) 10-15m between handler line and cutter line - Handler prioritize swinging after reaching the sideline - Cutter should always cut vertically, meaning (1) cut deep and go back or (2) cut under and then go deep, to maximize the distance of the received disc

Let's talk about 2-4-1 Zone Baby!
classycleatsWind + Force is to the left. Red is on offense. Blue is playing 2-4-1 Zone. You might play this zone when the opposing team has confident handlers that can easily swing around the cup. So the goal is to clog up the mid to prevent any forward movement. Cup keeps the disc moving to the force side, so that the mids can get into an opportunity for a D. Mids try to get in front of anything that would provide forward movement, and make plays to get the D.