Sideline handler reset with cutters 2
travisbirdSideline handler reset, if the reset doesn't get a power position on the upline cut, then they 7 back across the field. When cutters see this throw, 2 and 3 slash, and 4 strikes for the break huck
Gears of war
psvcWorking the disc towards the sidelines and trapping it. Middle passes shouldnt be an option. 2,3 exploding cuts to trap sideline.
utahericEndzone play with players cutting depending on the flow of the disc. When the disc isn't moving the primary cutters are 4 and 5 with 4 cutting to the open side and 5 cutting to the break side. If the disc is moving the primary cutters are 2 and 3 with 2 cutting to the open side and 3 cutting to the break side.
4 Lines Offense Drill
SurlyAdminBasic drill to warm up your offense. Stall counts can be adjusted accordingly, but it is recommended to start around 5 so that handler's know they don't have all day to fake their mark.