
Endzone Drill


This is a drill to run in the endzone.  


Modified Sweep


This is a modified sweep play to get things flowing in a horizontal offense. Once the pull is centered, the handler will signal for the play. 1 will cut across the field as the other three go deep. Make sure that 3 cuts deep and towards the sideline to open up more of the field for 5 and 7. Once 1 gets the disc, a good fake to 5 or 7 has to happen. If the defense bites, the break throw to 3 should be open.  




This play is an endzone play where 4 and 5 make cuts to the sideline which should open 6 up for a straight cut to the front of the stack.  




This play is made such that player 4 should have a 1-1 chance to get open. Players 2 and 6 will cut to the back of the end zone and then cut across the field. Here player four only makes 2 cuts to get open. If needed, player 4 can continue cutting to get open. Player 3 is ready for the dump and then would try to swing it to player 1 or 7 if player 4 can't get the disc.  




This is a sweep play to get things flowing in a horizontal offense. Once the pull is centered, the handler will signal for the play. 1 will cut across the field as the other three go deep. Make sure that 3 cuts deep and towards the sideline to open up more of the field for 5 and 7. Once 1 gets the disc, a cut in from either 5 or 7 should get the disc and then look for 3 to be open in the endzone.  




This play is from the horizontal stack. The first cuts come from 3 and 5. At the same time that 3 and 5 make their initial cut, 7 can make a deep cut while 1 waits. Once 3 and 5 make the second cut, 3 should get the disc and be looking for 7 coming back under. At that time, 1 should be making a deep cut for the continuation play.  


Horizontal Flow: Cutting & Throwing to Space


This is a variant on a basic Horizontal Flow drill. In this variation, the initial down-field flow cut (cutter #3) is a bluff cut setting up a bigger down-field gainer by #4. Note: All passes should be thrown into the open space, forcing the cutter to run onto the disc.  


3-as lefutas


A sima 3-as lefutas.  


Jeff-drill visszafordulassal


Ugyanaz, mint a sima Jeff-drill, csak visszafordula futo give-and-go -nal. Ezzel egyreszt gyakololjuk kicsit a kreativ cutolast, azaz, hogy nem mindig az elso iranyba valo futas lesz a jo, neha vissza kell fordulni, zartrol nyilt, vagy nyiltrol zart oldalra. Masreszt igy csak a palya egyik felet hasznaljuk, ezaltal ezt lehet ket kulon csoportban csinalni, ha sokan vagyunk.  


Jeff drill


Jeff drill hosszu dobas es give-and-go gyakorlasa.  


Zone D force sideline


Zone D sideline  


Breaking a Zone - On Offense


2 main ways to break zone: quick one-two passes between handlers to slice through the cup, and passes back to a release and then across to a ‘swing’ player further away, in order to drag the cup around. These are enhanced by good midfield movement, with wingers crashing toward the sides as the swings are taking place, and mid players crashing toward the cup as it is being dragged and there are holes. In this set up, the other team is using a zone defence with 3 in the cup, then one mid, two sides, and a deep safety. The safety is their fastest guy, who they hope will be able to get to any 40-60 yard long bomb before anybody else, regardless of how many people we have in the endzone. We've designated 3 main handlers, 2 wingers, and 2 other mids who rotate between going long and hitting the midfield. The non-handler positions are fully interchangeable and the more they switch the better and more confusing it is for the zone coverage.