Breaking a Zone - On Offense
jknight2 main ways to break zone: quick one-two passes between handlers to slice through the cup, and passes back to a release and then across to a ‘swing’ player further away, in order to drag the cup around. These are enhanced by good midfield movement, with wingers crashing toward the sides as the swings are taking place, and mid players crashing toward the cup as it is being dragged and there are holes. In this set up, the other team is using a zone defence with 3 in the cup, then one mid, two sides, and a deep safety. The safety is their fastest guy, who they hope will be able to get to any 40-60 yard long bomb before anybody else, regardless of how many people we have in the endzone. We've designated 3 main handlers, 2 wingers, and 2 other mids who rotate between going long and hitting the midfield. The non-handler positions are fully interchangeable and the more they switch the better and more confusing it is for the zone coverage.
Форс. (шаг первый)
Novaмаркинг по форсу, не дать пробросить в закрытую зону. заставить хэндлера делать выпады или сделать обводящий бросок
Monkey Box Drill
njyoThis drill is to practice presence of mind, flexibility, positioning, dynamic adjustment and communication between the defense. It can be played (offense:defense) 4:3 as a square or 3:2 as a even-sided triangle. The offense stands around 8-10 metres apart and is not allowed to move except the regular pivot. Their aim is to maintain the position of the disc by passing it around (stall count 10). Overhead throws are not allowed. The defense moves as a cup or in whatever lanes they prefer. Poaching off is not allowed, they have to close in onto the disc. Plotting, communication and gambits by the defense are encouraged. Whoever offensive player makes a mistake becomes defense in the box and the defender that was longest in the box becomes offensive player. Bad throws (interception, hits ground or off-target) are thrower mistakes. Drop catch is a catching mistake.
Квадрат чоп-стоп. Шаг третий
NovaФутворк с диском и тайминг. Тайминг - своевременное открытие на диск. Открываться на середину стороны квадрата нужно в такой момент времени, чтобы предыдущий получивший диск остановившись сразу отдал открывающемуся.
Vertical Stack: Angling the Stack
adrianliemSometimes there's an advantage to tilting or angling the Vertical Stack, particularly if you want to create space down-field for a huck. Here is one way to angle the stack as the disc moves down and across the field.
Vertical Stack: Flow
adrianliemHere's a brief look at the basics of maintaining flow with a Vertical Stack.