copa contra horizontal
alejandroparedesdefensa en copa contra ofensa en stack horizontal... y como volver a armar la copa al momento de un quiebre
H Stack-Diamond #1
panaThe Big Ideas: 1. Create space in the middle of the field and utilize that space for big gainers 2. Spread defense out and exploit one on one match-ups Advantages: 1. Spreads defense out 2. Sets up a number of deep options 3. Isolates athletic players in one on one situation Disadvantages: Less effective against teams who sag in the middle, however, creates an opportunity to counter by moving the disc up the sideline quickly. Responsibilities: Handlers- Cutters (On Stage, Wings)-
Vertical Stack Flow Options (ACE)
panaThe Big Ideas: Advantages: Disadvantages: Responsibilities:
Parting the waters
svervaetThis play is great because it opens many options in the same time. Works all the times. It works on both sides forces.
svervaetStratégie verticale assez simple pour des équipes qui débutent ou dont la cohésion n'est pas encore au point. Intéressant car facile à comprendre et permet deux options: la in et la longue.