Vertical Stack Spacing Drill
RobbieSA simple drill to teach players the basic spacing for the stack, where the cuts go, and where to clear to.
Basic throwing drill
andrewcertainVery simple throw and cut drill. Note that in this drill, the blue circles are the drill participants and the red circles are discs. I drew this up for my 3rd-graders.
Horizontal Stack
GentleFusees2012Belangrijkste bij deze play is voornamelijk de start en posities. Als iedereen beetje weet in welke ruimte hij zich kan vrijlopen, gaan we veel minder in elkaars weg lopen. VRIJ = VRIJ
Open box
ersekkittiThis drill is a useful variation of Box offense. 7-7 players on the field.
Dump drill
PitrP7Dump drill. Rotation: Same lvl pairs, Thrower to middle line Last catcher to thrower's line