Classic 4v4 endzone fake cut
dstjThe classic "fake cut" to closed side to force the defender out of its position (and the proper defense play)
reset to huck
alexlsznIn the situation this drill looks at, a short, yardage-losing, reset pass to a handler opens up the breakside for an easy 2-pass score. We drilled this with 1b, 2r, 2b, 7r, 7b and 6b live, and everyone else imaginary.
Horizontal movement up the pitch
rUltimateThis is one example of how the horizontal offence can move up the field. There are so many different scenarios that I won't write a play for each. However, remember that the idea is to be pitch aware. If you are cutting and have not received a disc, but another cutter has, you know two immediate things. You're not handling, and you'll still be needed in the stack. So if you were not the active cutting pair at that point in time, move up the pitch to align with the stack. If you were in the active pair, you need to be alert and able to decide whether you can cut deep, or come under.
Huck Continuation
rUltimateIn this scenario, we have the disc with the middle handler (Imagine the disc has been bricked perhaps). A first cut rotation leads to an offload to 3. 3 sees 2 striking deep. 2 has seen the offload over his shoulder to his team-mate, sees that he has beaten his man, and decides to continue going deep (rather than coming under as he would in a normal rotation). It's a score. That's a huck continuation --> EXAMPLE.
joemamaHitting that continue is great, otherwise that guy stays the iso and now we have the disc back in the middle of the field.
Vertical Tutorial
RobbieSVertical! Blue on offense, red on defense. All scenarios are based off a rightie flick force.
Example of Horizontal Stack movement, with only swings.
rUltimateAn example of how to cut in the horizontal stack. It requires pitch awareness from every player, and this will enable you to make the right decision in where to cut, and when. This example is limited however, as it shows only one round of cuts at a time, and swings once a cut rotation has been done. In a match situation, the cutting pair may go through 2 (3 at a push) rotations of cutting, before either the disc is swung (passed to another handler) or offloaded to a cutter.