Yardage Drill
camuthigPlayers: 6 (3 per team) Stall: 7 seconds Goal: Gain as much distance as possible in a given number of throws. Challenges: Number of throws allowed (2-4), "Out of bounds" limit back of the playing field (30-40 yards) Focus: Cutter continuation/initiation, Short to mid range throws, flow This drill is meant to work on cutter continuation based on shorter throws and mid-range hucks. 2 cutters and a handler attempt to gain between 30-40 yards in only 2 throws. Cutters are allowed to discuss initiator prior to start of the drill. The ultimate goal should be to gain as much distance as possible without causing a turn over. Gaining any distance should be valued over getting to the endzone but causing a turn over.
Horizontal stack (cuts get shut down)
petegadomskiHorizontal stack when the cuts get shut down.
Footwork for marking GAG
chiewtingxmarking a give and go and learning the foot work with throws
Footwork for marking GAG
chiewtingxmarking a give and go and learning the foot work with throws
Footwork for marking GAG
chiewtingxmarking a give and go and learning the foot work with throws
Footwork for marking GAG
chiewtingxmarking a give and go and learning the foot work with throws