ZachalousSetup of Stout Junk Defence. Key here is communication between the front 3 and between the back 4. Works by containing the front three handlers with Rat/Chase like defenders. These players stay on and contain those players up front. The remaining four players form a "box" like zone/pick up danger man D. Usually they try work with a deep, short deep pair while the two short deeps work together and the two deeps work together. Those upfront can force middle, one way or even straight up. They need to decide what the situation dictates.
ZachalousSetup of Stout Junk Defence. Key here is communication between the front 3 and between the back 4. Works by containing the front three handlers with Rat/Chase like defenders. These players stay on and contain those players up front. The remaining four players form a "box" like zone/pick up danger man D. Usually they try work with a deep, short deep pair while the two short deeps work together and the two deeps work together. Those upfront can force middle, one way or even straight up. They need to decide what the situation dictates.
Lager Zone D
Zachalous(Note this rough). Lager zone is a variation where your Mid Mid has ears vs the chase. The Mid Wall creates a straight "Laager" style defence up field. Thus the name is not just about beer. It is an aggressive force swing zone. With the intention to potentially sideline trap. When worked well and the team communicates effectively it can be very dynamic.
Endzone - Starting Break Side
Hug MachineEndzone play to move the disc off of the break sideline.
TSUcoachA pull play, slow set up, or static set up pay. The offense intends to score in the 3 passes shown.
Sag (Recoveries)
robertthottamExamples of how to recover and maintain our sag and when to transition out of it. Priorities: -Cut off continuation throws by dropping downfield then reset shape -Force any discs with cutters/upfield back to handlers -Communicating with teammates to make we are all always defending a player.
Sag (Holes)
robertthottamHoles are marked by numbered cone markers. Label in order of easiest for offense to complete a throw to. Red arrows show throwing angles. Throws on these angles before our defensive positions are reached or marks are set will result in a high likelihood of the defense being broken.
Slow (Dance)
robertthottamPriorities: -Prevent dump defense -Helping teammate with communication 2 Parts: Steps 1-6 (beaten by dancing dump cuts) Steps 7-15 (Slow call versus dancing cuts) Step 15-16 (roll option)