Flash / Speed
MacFlyUn joeur en zone qui attend que la passe se déclenche pour partir ( il doit être sur les starting-block !) Les handler font tourner le disc en échangeant de place Un joeur se poste en retrait pour laisser des espaces et parer la contre attatque

cutthroatultimateBuzz bullets drill to work on the timing of cuts and the thrower using fakes to dictate movement.

Flat Tire
mcassell12Flat tire notes. 1) SELL THESE CUTS. This means committed cuts from our cutters, and big pump fakes from our thrower. 2) Get this timing right as the second cutter. This means keeping an eye on the first cutter.

Side Stack Start
mcassell12Side Stack Start Notes. 1) This is a pull-play only. We transition into vert after this. 2) The first two cuts are quick succession. As soon as player one commits to a space, player two will mirror to the other space.

Delle Donne
mcassell12Notes: 1) Often this throw can be a free pass if the opposing team doesn't run down the pull. 2) This play should be called so that a strong thrower is at the front of the stack getting the disc. A "finisher" should be setup at the back of the stack for the continue.

Break Side Dump set
mcassell12Break Side Dump set general principles. 1) Highest priority thrower is the initial throw to space. 2) Use your pump fakes 3) Don't be selfish as a reset, especially if you are our first look.