Basic Defense
klin4 Positions: Offense (Labeled: O), Defense (Labeled: D), Center (Labeled: C), Goalie (Labeled: GK) [Blue = Offense] [Red = Defense] [Golden Rules of Defense: ] 1. Always stand between your check (the person youre guarding) and the net. NEVER let them get behind you 2. Always clear the puck up the sides (against the walls). NEVER clear down the middle. 3. 1 defense per check, double teaming means there's a person who is open (no check)! 4. Get the puck OUT of the slot, send it in ANY direction (not at the net) <- seriously just whack at it till its out of the slot
merlsBasic set for isolation. Throw open side, go open side. Throw a dump, become a dump. Front openside corner is for the handlers to attack, not the cutters. leave the space open. Attacking from the back four can happen on big swing but only to the back ten yards of the endzone. Leave space for each other. We have talked about all of these things at practice, but swinging to space and making the correct cut from the correct space is critical for success.
Side Stack Iso
merlsSide stack flow allows us to isolate one cutter in a large space. The front of the stack enters this space and charges deep, followed by a hard under cut, they can then hit the streaking back of the stack or reset to a handler - offense would then flow to vertical.
andrewrecordThis is a sweep play that will be a quick score or a quick way to gain 3/4's of the field.
Mandarine/ Madeleine / M....
MacFlySwing total du disc. L'objectif est de profiter des trous crées dans le fermé
Happy/ Sexy/ ...y
MacFlySur jeux arrété Début en stack vertical Possibilité de le faire à n'importe qu'elle niveau du terrain
Hiboux, Hipopotame, H...
MacFlyTout le mot commençant par un "H" comme handler. En effet c'est un enclenchement pour que le second handler commence.