Railroad tracks: Handler Dump Center Disc Backhand Force
[email protected]Handler motion when the disc is centered with a backhand force. Cuts should be parallel like railroad tracks.
Handle Wheel or Hurricane dump
[email protected]Handler movement for ho stack with a flick force in the middle of the field.
Endzone Drill (front focused)
kevmoseyEndzone drill that focuses on the front of the stack. Most drills that I've seen have the back of the stack cutting, but that isn't common in an endzone set during a game.
Just a play
danieldresserCyclical Endzone play - retain possession, gain yards when it's free. Put less confident throwers at the back of the stack. Stack - ALWAYS be aware of poaches, and if you see a free throw, go get and be loud. Be aware of where the disc is going next.
Dish Drill
cutthroatultimateStart with 4 people in a ~10 yard box and 1 person in the middle with the disc.
EIO w/delayed iso eject to enable swing for score
scottfranklinEIO base with break-side rotation. Iso delays ejection and cuts to far cone for potential big swing for score.