
HO - podstawa (środek)

Filip Dobranowski

Dodatek do naszej podstawy z horyzontala, gdzie gramy dwoma cutterami ze środka - przyda nam się przy wznowieniach czy brickach. Zasady cuttowania te same co w podstaawie kiedy gramy stroną. Warto dogadać się miedzy dwójką cutteów kto zaczyna...i dostosować się do pierwszego. Reszta aktywnie, angażuje playerów i przewiduje gre w tym swoje wejście do gry. Jeśli pouchują to uciekamy od nich i atakujemy przestrzenie, agresywnie. Handlerzy równo (boczni nawet moga byc lekko cofnieciu żeby ich defense nie zabierał stron dla rucajacego) - jesli pouchuja, spokojnie przesuwamy dysk do przodu przez handlerów...ale to nie znaczy ze cutterzy zamulają - cały czas pracują i szukają tempa, timeingu i kontynuacji. Nic nadzwyczajnego, po postu dodajemy opcje grania ze środka. Biorąc pod uwagę, że dodamy też NOMINALNYCH PIERWSZYCH cutterów - wtedy kiedy gramy ho ze srodka, powinni oni zając własnie te pozycje.  


Step Over (vs 2-3-1 OR 3-2-1 Zone)


3 step play. 4 needs to be a deep threat.  


Anti-Zone Set Play


Describe the play  




A variant offence play where the standard offence isn't working or cutters seems to be getting in each other's way. The idea is to present the handler with a few options early on in the stall count. If none of them work, there'll need to be a handler reet.  




Ninja is an unorthodox play to try and put the defence off balance or isolate a poor defensive match up. It uses four handlers, two deeps and the 'ninja' who owns the middle space and seeks gain ground up the field and either throw to the deeps or dump and cut again.  


Poach/Switch Defence


Call players to take handlers, open lane, inside lane, deep, break side, & open line gainer.  


Basic Vert


Describe the play  


Zone Offense


Roles: 1, 2, 3 - "Handlers" - Looking for opportunities to move the disc through, around, or over the cup. Trying to get the disc to the poppers and deeps. 4 and 5 - "Poppers" - Cutters who are working closer to the throwers, trying to find space around, beyond/behind, and in the cup. Their positions aren't fixed. They're looking for holes and spaces where they can receive from handlers. After receiving the disc, poppers should look to move the disc to the other popper or the deeps. 6 and 7 - "Deeps" - Cutters who play further downfield than the poppers. One deep should try to occupy the deep-deep in the zone, stretching them out as far as possible. The other should be prepared to receive from the poppers if we can move the disc through, around, or over the cup. General Principles: Most of the time, avoid throwing to a receiver who is running away from you | "Be quick, don't hurry" | When you receive past the cup, turn and look upfield instead of looking back to a handler  


T endzone


A more spread-out variant of our endzone. Will be used when our vert stack endzone is getting predictable. Very handler-driven endzone! Cutters should not over-cut but should be loud if they are getting poached and go get the disc. Handlers play smart frisbee! When on a sideline there will need to be heavy communication between the man on-stage and the third handler, just talk it out and be patient.  




This is our default vert stack endzone offense. Know the positions and what is expected in each. Don't over-cut or force throws in the endzone, we can score patiently.  


Dark Star: Breakfast 4 Dinner


Cutters immediately switch roles to confuse a poach look. In this scenario, the defense smartly hangs back to take away the deep. Therefore an under cut is wide open. Handlers can move disc while cuts develop.  


2-3-2 Bait


Describe the play