Horizontal Basic Flow Offense
Buccaneer451The horizontal stack is setup. Option routes are made and other offensive players have to make cuts based off of previous cutters' routes. Awareness is a necessity.

Vert. Break/Huck Offense
Buccaneer451Starting from the pull, the handler breaks to 1, gets a pop out pass and then hucks it deep.

Fisico y Disco
chulyangelduqueUna simple forma de calentar el cuerpo, obtener resistencia y mejorar los lanzamientos!.

Sex Tiger
nickallenThis was a cut that a buddy of mine and I used to play all the time. It works precisely because the initial cut is not a particularly good option, but it puts you in an excellent position to escape your defender either to the force side, if they commit, or to the break side or downfield if they don't fall for it. Use it when you're a handler to the strong side of the thrower, but your defender isn't letting you get swings.

Spawn box drill
dm2clarkWarm-up drill. The blue guys are actuall just discs. Disc #2 goes back and forth between the NE and NW corners, and the other discs basically stay on their respective corners. I showed it through a full cycle and a bit. It basically repeats from there.

willjacksonhorizontal setup, the cutters cut in pairs by side, not by every other player