KenzuAlkuvaiheessa 1) kädettöminä markkereina, sitten 2) normaalimarkkerina, 3) sikakovana markkerina. Kiertosuunta on Raksa - välihakija - vastaanhakija - eri raksajono. Tarkoituksena on harjoitella laitalähtökuvio selkärankaan, yläheittomurtamista ja nopeaa swingiä pimeälle laidalle.
Vertical stack poach
RogueFixerThis will be used usually only on bad teams, but is our go to zone to kill a vertical stack
Zipper play
RogueFixerWhen you hear "Peel" or "chicago" this is the play we are going to run
4v4 Vertical Stack
JohnnyRutabagasA vertical stack for 4v4 offense with break side initiation and continuation.
RogueFixerThis shows what to do when green is called followed by the name. These calls can be used in other positions but this is the specific green sweep.
Red Sweep
RogueFixerRed means force side cut. This is where we want that cut to come from during a sweep.
Blue Sweep
RogueFixerBlue is cut deep. This is a sweep play to show what to do when a name is called follow by blue.
4v4 Box Offense
JohnnyRutabagasA box offense initial setup for 4v4, with direction of flow is initiated by the backfield player without the disc.
Overload (3-3-1)
RogueFixerRun like a 2-3-2, but with an extra handler defender and only one deep-deep
Sauce (2-2-2-1)
RogueFixerThis is much like lanes except putting two people in a wall to take away. 2 rabbits forcing middle. 2 person wall, taking away in cuts, playing super close to disc. 2 hammer wings backing up the wall. and one safety deep-deep.