Flood Left
danmccuneCreate an isolation by showing a vertical stack that is really a side stack flowing to ho. Front of the stack will become the 3rd handler
danmccuneMost defenses expect the initiating cut to be from the middle. The slash from a break side cutter catches them off guard
Iso weave
jackscarrattThis play is designed for when the thrower can't break the mark or is unable for whatever reason to pass to the iso. The iso and deep switch, the two dumps preform a weave around the handler. Disk doesnt move in this example as it will be for the player to decide the best option, Freeflow can also be called at anytime to free up space.
Cualquier verdura
mescarraMoisés abrió las aguas de Casan en el día en que festejamos la décima enerborización del mártir