JustTheNPCPractically this is faking the immediate short corner play, but instead you're now scoring in the back of the endzone corner.
Zone FM junk
nataliawłodarczykZone with force middle but without a cap: - second line as always - in the first line persons on the left and on the right stick to their sides and keep the force - only they put the mark; person in the middle looks for or creates D opportunities by not being predictable and static IMPORTANT: we want them to swing horizontaly, so if the side handler stays in the position or comes back, we want to keep him close to pose the mark as soon as possible (even if that means that we leave middle handler without D). Middle person in the first
Vertical Stack w/ skinny break
johnnyboy355a vertical stack where you find a skinny break to the 3rd handler at front of the stack after looking off your first cutter on the open side. Chances are D2 is going to be more poachy on the handler without disc (making the skinny more difficult to hit) but that's the beauty of this "situational" game. Take what you're given and get the score.
T Stack Endzone (3 out and 4 in)
panaStandard set: 3 out and 4 in (stack at back of endzone)