Handler reset
amoshDifferent ways of a handler reset 1. Big swing 2. Easy upline 3. Chop stop upline
Poaching Efficiently
alexwu02Goal of this play to push the disc to the sideline and force them to make a risky throw. This requires Player 1 & 2 (blue to be strong defenders) When to use: Teams we can beat deep or just teams that unbalanced. Holes: Cross Shot and Deep
Vert Dumps
HeschelultimateThese are the dumps that are available to cutter and handler with the disc.
Hex Endzone
WumbologistGoal is to isolate one player in the endzone and play 4v4 with the iso & middle layer. SImilar to a 3-1-3 but I think having 2 handlers as inactive players reduces the potential for opponents to poach. An endzone set that resembles hex will make for an easier transition from regular offense and will hopefully make us less hesistant to call the transition explicitly.