BrimstoneOld play, but useful. Hard to make good second cuts because of the weird clear outs, so focus on getting IMMEDIATELY back in stack after make clear out cuts (2nd play) if the zipper doesn't work. Works very well in an endzone poachy D if you do it right.
Unicorn (Ring calls this Delta)
Brimstone3 open side guys poach under 1 break side guy helps deep Tight handler D
Poach, take 1
GianattasioSimple poachy D, focusing on a flick force, bracketing by the upfield D, and something like a two man cup on the trap half of the field/
Cutting Lane Drill
jesstelfordDrill for practicing a hard force (defender) and hard cutting (offender). Note: This drill does not involve throwing the disc. Based on the video by cogandrew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2OUeMZN31A
Handler Movement with Flick Force
nstarksenThis is a play that doesn't bring big yards, but when perfected, works effortlessly and is very hard to stop due to many break side options.
L-stack indoor
NesajaL-stack napad za igro 5:5, brez obrambe. Opombe: Igralca, ki tečeta čez igrišče morata biti v vsakem trenutku pripravljena, da bosta lahko dobila disk. Pri tem napadu je treba biti pazljiv, kako je postavljena obramba. Kje je open, ali prevzemajo, ali poachajo ... saj je tu še več možnih situacij, če obramba ni 'po pravilih'.
box indoor
NesajaBox napad za igro 5:5, brez obrambe. Opombe: Tu je še posebno pomembno, da vse skupaj izvedeta hitro, saj sicer lahko prehitro pride do stallout-a.
horizontal indoor
NesajaHorizontal napad za igro 5:5, brez obrambe. Opombe: Prvi igralec, ki se odkriva (sredinski v stacku) naj bo hiter igralec.
vertical indoor
NesajaVertikal napad za igro 5:5. Opombe: pri tem napadu je pomembno, da vse počneš v šprintu (tudi če ne dobiš diska v šprintu v stack), da je cut oster in pravilno izveden (ustaviš se s kratkimi koraki).
Horizontal Stack/Diamond Play
misslucylouiseBasic horizontal stack flow using the diamond play to initiate primary/inside cutters first cuts off of a pull.
Outside Box Drill
tScribThis is a simple drill to work on flow, timing of throws, as well as disc angles (based on cutter direction). Drill is run counter clockwise, using outside-in backhands. One rotation is shown. Can be used in small spaces (like indoor gyms if you don't have indoor turf in the winter). Modifications: Switch to forehand (inside-out). Change rotation clockwise to change throws to backhand (inside-out). Change rotation AND switch to forehand (outside-in).