2-5 off the sideline
SomeNiall29Part 1 - Off the sideline to front of stack Part 2 - off the sideline, to dump after front of stack clearout Part 3 - bounce back cut or huck (front of stack looks over shoulder so as not to disrupt) Part 4 - front of stack creates a new front initiation Part 5 - more flow and repeat
Ho stack reset - Sideline
WumbologistStandard reset sequence in a ho stack on the sideline.
Ho stack- Pair cutting (Triangle)
WumbologistStandard cutting pattern where the middle two cutters are the active cutters and are working off each other.
Side ho - Sideline; Trap
WumbologistCutter setup and sequence when the disc is trapped on the sideline is almost identical to the regular setup but the cutters will likely be closer to the sideline to be in a better position to cut.
Side Ho - Center; Force Flick
WumbologistModified Ho stack to maximize cutting space and provide a clear cutting order. Cutting order goes by number with #1 cutting first, followed by #2 and #3, with #4 standing by pretty much on the sideline until they are needed to fill in a position or get poached.
Tlachi SE Opción Lado Abierto.
M_VARGASHorizontal en Carriles con movimiento de pistones en parejas con 3 handlers. Específicamente se desarrolla la 1a Opción de esta formación, pensando en utilizar sólo el lado abierto , jugando con 2 cortadores y 2 handlers unicamente.