throw go to breakside huck
nathandhufflooking for: 1. inverse pivots on the under so that you keep eye control with your give go partner 2. deep cuts down the middle of the field so we keep our angles so fresh and so clean 3. thrower's ability to get out of their throw quickly, and their ability to keep their weight balanced when hucking on the move
Horizontal Stack Continuation Drill
keegantekDrill that demonstrates the opportunities for continuation cuts following the first under cut in a horizontal stack.
Piston Pair Cutting Drill
keegantekDrill for Illustrating Cutting with a Partner in a Horizontal Stack
Horizontal Stack Vertical Cutting Drill with Dump
keegantekA simple drill for illustrating how to make vertical cuts directly to and away from the disc from a horizontal stack. Includes an under cut, with a dump back to the handler, and then a deep cut from the same cutter
L Cut Edge
Madelynowens95L-Cut with a partner. Focus on your edge control Outside in backhand and forehand, Inside out backhand and forehand. low side of disc should fall towards the cutter running onto it. Reset with Dumps.
Long Shot
Madelynowens95Handler, Ace, Downfield Cutter. Ace Starts right in front of cutter. runs up to the downfield cutter to initiate the downfield cut. Ace cuts left or right. The downfield cutter runs and Ace puts it into space for the downfield cutter to run onto.
Madelynowens95Upline give-and-go drill with a swing. Throw and go for upline. Person throwing to upline cut goes for the swing.