Destiny's Child
joshlevin850We will run this off the pull if we feel like we have an athletic/speed advantage with our female cutters. In this situation, O5, O6, and O7 are all female cutters. O4 will be a male cutter with consistent hucks and a good first step.
joshlevin850A trap we call before the pull, and only if we can make the pull float long enough that we can set the defense before they start moving.
joshlevin850This is a personal defense so if one of the handlers leaks into the cutter zone the defender has to follow them. Downfield we are playing man-to-man. The priority of this defense is to slowdown the offense, it is not meant to generate turnovers on the swings. The most important thing is to prevent big throws down the sideline, as the downfield defense will assume that is unavailable.
Argyle JR: Vertical Stack Play
timmywooThis is the play we ran during the last point and outlines the basics of the vertical stack.
itskneilThis is a set play that we can set up off of the pull, off of a dead disc, or in the endzone. We will only set this up if the dead disc is close to the sideline. If the disc is on the opposite side of the field, we will set up diagonally in the other direction (always in a straight line from the disc).
zrxchris"Clap" sets play in motion. cutters 2 & 3 make diamond cut with 2 receiving the disc