Standard Diamond cut
joshlevin850This is our default offense. Regardless of bringing the disc in from the pull or off a turn this is the cut rotation.
joshlevin850This is a pull play we will use when we have the disc in the middle. It is something we will want to call before the pull, not mid centering the disc.
Sideline Standard
joshlevin850This is our default play from the sideline. The sideline cutter will clear the space right away, allowing the closest popper to cut based on the where the defense is setup.
joshlevin850Another play for when we bring the disc in from the sideline, especially if we are having a hard time moving the disc off the sideline.
Fondo Blanco
joshlevin850This is a play we would run after a turn where the disc starts on or near the sideline. Remember that the default play is to have the cutter on the sideline, clear space deep and away towards the opposite sideline, allowing for the middle cutter to utilize the space to cut in or out.
Vertical - handler dump start
megatronTypical vertical offence starting with a 7 cut from the front of the stack
Vertical- 7 Cut
megatronTypical vertical offence starting with a 7 cut from the front of the stack
Dump rotation from the break side
joshlevin850handler rotation we want to run when the disc is on the break side. Its important to note the starting positions
Dump rotation from the open side
joshlevin850handler rotation we want to run when the disc is on the open side. Its important to note the starting positions
Dump rotation from the middle
joshlevin850handler rotation we want to run when the disc is in the middle. Its important to note the starting positions
end zone iso
joshlevin850Anyone on the field can call the iso, cutters, handlers, whoever, but its important that all the cutters sprint towards the back of the endzone until it is clear that they are the iso. Then they should step forward and make a cut for the handlers, Tip* often the best cuts as an iso come from waiting to cut off of handler movement, such as a break continuation when you see them beggining to dumpswing. Shown without defense, but as you can see, the force is forehand.