


Diamond in front of the handler holding shape and adjusting who the mark is depending on who has the disc to keep the offense from being able to find easy throws that will help them break through us.  


Zona 2 - do linii trap


Describe the play  


Zona 1 - do środka


Describe the play  


Oh Hello


Stack off to the side cutting into the middle of the field. Cutter 7 cuts under and cutter 5 goes deep. handler throws to cutter 7 who throws to cutter 5 for the score.  




2 man cup, 3 person “wall”, 2 person deep coverage.  




Cutters 5 & 6 cut in either direction if neither throw is available cutter 4 cuts hard under before cutting back into the end zone, like a strike cut. If none of the above are open then normal handler reset.  


Handler Set(Break Side)


1) Initial ho tack set up on the break side. Notice both other handlers are behind where the disc is (45° back) 2)The first look is straight back to the center handler(1). When the force side handler(2) looks at the center handler(1) they cut straight behind them. 3) After this throw the break side handler who just threw the disc(2) cuts straight to the middle. 4)This throw comes off immediately. We do this because the force side handler(2) would be in the way of any other throw if they just stay where they were. 5&6) If the first dump doesn't work then the force side handler fills into the middle for a bail out.  


Handler Set(Force Side)


1) The initial ho stack set up with the disc trapped on the force side line. We need to look dump early in this situation. 2) The force side handler(3) looks dump at stall 1 or 2 and the center handler starts cutting upline. At the same time the break side handler is setting up their cut. 3) Upline is thrown. We now have power position. One of the break side cutters(4&5) should go deep when we get power position on the force side. 4)Assuming the deep throw does not come off, everyone resets. The handler that just threw the upline fills into the middle. 5) If the upline is not thrown then the break side handler(2) cuts for the around. The handler that made the upline(1) makes a seven cut. 6) The around is thrown, now the continuation can be thrown to the handler making the 7 cut(1), or the cutters can start their motion. 7)The continuation is thrown to keep the disc moving and open up space.  


Vertical (Vert) stack


Offensive play showing ideal 'waterfall'  


Handler cuts (C,UpL)


1) Break side handler(2) sets up even with the center handler(1) and the force side handler(3) sets up 45° back 2)The break side handler(2) beats the defender upline and the center handler(1) recognizes 3) The throw comes off 4)Everyone resets, the ho stack pushes down the field  


Handler Cuts(C,Around)


1) The break side handler(2) is even with the center handler(1). The force side handler(3) is 45° back from the center handler(1). 2) The break side handler(2) starts to cut upline after the center handler(1) looks at them. This should happen around stall 3 or 4. 3) The upline cut from the break side handler(2) was not open so the center handler(1) did not throw it. 4) The center handler(1) then looks to the force side handler(3). The force side handler(3) cuts behind the center handler(1) for an easy dump throw. Important notes here are the center handler(1) should use his body to box out his mark and they should lead the throw so that the force side handler(3) can run onto it. 5) When this throw comes off the handlers should reset to 45° back (because they are on the force side of the handler with the disc) At this moment the handler with the disc has an easy break throw opportunity because their defender is behind them. 6) The mark for the handler that now has the disc(3) recovers  




A team we played against ran this every time they picked up a disc on offense. Back of stack fakes deep and comes under while front of stack fakes under and goes deep.