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A cutter flow with side stack  


2-4-1: Wings and Sideline


Blue1+2: chasers Blue3: Short Deep Blue4: Beast Blue5+6: Wings Blue7: DeepDeep Red1+2+3: handlers Red4+5+6+7: cutters  


2-4-1: Chasers and Force


Blue1+2: chasers Blue3: Short Deep Blue4: Beast Blue5+6: Wings Blue7: DeepDeep Red1+2+3: handlers Red4+5+6+7: cutters  


Horizontal Stack cutter movement


Horizontal offense cutter flow options for Extinction AMUC team 2016  


Resetting the Disc on Open Side in Horizontal Stack


Horizontal flow when the disc is with a handler on the force side  




Used particularly when break-side handler or cutter is poached  


RWU Ho-Stack


How to cut in Ho-Stack  


Handler Upfield Burst Force

Marcus Ranii-Dropcho

This is just what the transitions could look like. It doesn't have to be this clinical every single time we throw to an in cut and then reset it back. We just have to make sure we are stuck with four handlers for as little time as possible and that side handler can definitely get open deep and get into the cutting motion if the disc is held long enough.  


Defensive In Cut Intensity Drill

Marcus Ranii-Dropcho

Drill to practice good cutting technique and also running through the disc on in cuts as well as defensive intensity. Cones should not be further than a few yards apart downfield to give the defender a good chance at getting to the in cut. Offender must plant one of his cutting feet on or near the cone before going underneath.  


Horizontal Stack Break Setup

Marcus Ranii-Dropcho

Breakside setup. Same player orientation as when we started on the force side, the big difference here is the cut for the "5" player is a little more up for interpretation. Cutting on the break side is more difficult than cutting on the force because there is not a defined space that you are cutting into. You have to set your cut up specifically to come back to the break side. In this example, I just molded a simple slash cut that starts out moving to the break, and then comes back to the force to make the job of the thrower easier. As long as the thrower can throw an inside break though, there's no problem making that cut to the sideline to give you a bigger throwing lane.  


Horizontal Stack Sideline Motion

Marcus Ranii-Dropcho

Notice how the Stack is a little different in this sideline play. The players are not equidistant from each other, but