zone dump swing 4 steps
giotorrescNo passo 3, cutter que for fazer a movimentação para receber o disco pode se aproximar bastante e receber esse parte bem no curto como se fosse um handler. No passo 3, o cutter que ficar "sobrando" (no caso o cutter 7) pode ficar atento no espaço que ficou aberto caso o marcador 6 acompanhe muito o cutter 6.
Zone offence 4 steps
giotorrescNo passo 3/4 é importante observar que o cutter 7 não deve ir muito para o fundo para não favorecer o deep deep. Ele apenas recebe o passe "nas costas" do marcador 6. Os cutters devem se mover em direção à sideline para maior afastamento de seus defensores e para arrastá-los para longe do middle. Se o marcador 6 optar por marcar o fundo (cutter 7), o passe mais fácil se torna o cutter 6.
Sjouke Drill
FlapdRoelFocus: - Throwing in space. - Throwing deep. - Possible: Quick switching between catching and throwing 1. Make two lines of players and set up one player with a disc, as in the picture. 2. Player B runs straight. Player A throws the disc in the space in front of player B. Player B catches the disc. 3. Player A clears. Player G runs straight. Player B throws in the space in front of player G. Player G catches the disc. 4. Repeat step 3. Variations: - You can mirror it, so you throw a sidearm instead of a backhand, or vice versa. - You can add an incentive, e.g. 30 consecutively passes. After a drop, start at 0. With this you can force players to play it safe. Possible feedback: - Start running later, so the thrower has more time to throw. - You don't have to throw next to the other players. If you can't throw that far, throw a shorter pass. - Take time to throw.
Ho Stack - Cross/Deep
ryanUse a ho stack with cross cuts to break side to create room for next cutter
rashanchao戰術3.4,3.4往Backhand 5號方向跑,2號往得分區衝刺,折回接盤,1號跑長傳。 若是喊3.4反向,則是1.2號往Forehand 7號方向跑,3號往得分區衝刺折反接盤,4號得分
DJNickD1 moves horizontal to break side; D2 cuts deep; HUB move upline; Hex Flow Continues
DJNickHUB clears deep to initiate movement. BREAKSIDE WING reads the defense and fills the HUB position.
DJNickBasic initiation from HUB 1. HUB comes under 2. Then out 3. DEEPs read and come under.