Exercice du carré
FacePour apprendre à faire vivre le disque en match. On travaille le timing.
Celal 2
kıvançertürkOnemli noktalar 4 numaranin alamayacagi belli oldu 5 Hemen altiya dumpa donuyor. 6 diski alinca bos ise direk 3'e yapistiriyor. Degilse 4'e atacakmis gibi gosterip sonra break atmaya calisiyor. Dip not olmazsa zorlyacak bir sey yok tekrar oyunumaza devam edebiliriz ama herkes zamanlamasini ayarlarsa olur
Circle Cut Idea 1
chrismAn idea for helping organize cutter movement. The rotation is such that the deep cutter is cutting diagonally into the open side of the field. In this case the force is towards the right side of the field. The best opportunities for up-field disc movement happens when the disc swings to the right. When the disc swings left or is on the left side of the field this movement pattern provides less opportunity.