jordanfariesVertical stack play, also called the Rocket. This is a super fun play and can lead to easy scores if we get a good mismatch on the person going deep. A good team will pick up on it after we use it a few times so it's important to remember to look at the other options occasionally, especially if they poach, to keep the play fresh and unpredictable. Or we keep throwing deep and skying people, just because they know whats coming doesn't mean they can stop it.
jordanfariesDefault offense. This is one of a few options from this set up, the main thing is to take what the defense gives you. If you're Player 1 and your player is guarding the incut and leaving the long space open, take a few steps towards the middle and then cut deep.
4 on 4 - Man Defense positioning
jamesdennisPlaying smarter, not necessarily harder, man defense. This highlights where the defender has the positional advantage over their mark at different spots in the field.
joemamathis play is kind of like "girlfriend 2.0" and is a play that we would only run on the sideline (could be either sideline)