Vertical O - (5-1) Pool play, or slow start default set.
MoachThis can be used off the pull, or from slow start turnovers. Front of stack is timing to be moving on -1 stall, break and deep. Back of stack defender may poach to cover this deep cut, giving us the easy under from the back. If poach doesnt happen, 5 still needs to come under as the initial cut (from front of stack) may still be an option.
26/05 Cutting - open calls
Mikael LausyOffense works on calling out when they are open, and letting handlers confidently pass the disc. Offense should not run too hard for this drill.
Ho Brk2Open: In - Disc on Open Sideline
sbiswasDisc on open sideline: 4 cutters in horizontal stack, 3 handlers. Handlers are free to decide to work with each other to center the disc. But if they look at the cutters: Cutter 2 slant's in from break side while both open side cutters mirror deep and provide continuation cut. C3/4 must clear early for C2.
Ho Break to Open side - In
sbiswasDisc in middle: 4 cutters in horizontal stack, 3 handlers. Cutter 2 slant's in from break side while both open side cutters mirror deep and provide continuation cut. (We show 2 getting the disc but all 4 cutters are viable targets.) In this example, 3 cuts break while 4 goes deep and then comes in but 3 and 4 can do anything as long as they clear space for 2's initial cut. If the force is the other way, 3 initiates the play while 1 and 2 mirror. The disc can start with either H1 or H3 without affecting the play as long as C3/4 clear early. If the disc starts with H2, the first pass will probably go to cutter 3 or 4 or bail.
Cutter: Iso
Mikael LausyScore down the line into open space. Stack is very tight against the other side of the field to create open space.