
Box Drill - Throwing and space


Box Drill: This drill focuses on timing and leading cutters to space. All throws in this drill should be made outside-in, away from the box. This drill can change from counter to clockwise to change the force from flick to backhand. Important: Each cutter should be at the middle cone as the previous cutter catches the disc. This drill is all about learning how to time cuts.  


Small Box - Dumping Drill


This drill focuses on practicing short dump throws. Throws should be no longer than a few feet at most. Important things to note: 1. Players are cutting behind the handler. Handler MUST pivot and open up to cutter. 2. Players always clear to the line they just threw the disc to. Other way to remember: always clear to the line on the right in a counter clockwise fashion. 3. Optional: Get players used to calling for the disc. Players will not cut until the handler calls their name. Handler must call the name of the person they will throw to showing they are ready for the dump cut.  


Endzone Drill


Endzone drill: This focuses on swinging the disc in the endzone. Important things to note: 1. Strike cuts and mirror cuts are necessary to create space for the swing. 2. All throws should be made outside-in, away from the endzone. This keeps the disc as far away from defense as possible. 3. The disc should be caught at the corners of the endzone. Players need to time their throws in such a way the cutter gets it at the front corner. Cutters should time their cuts so they are approaching the front corner as soon as the handler turns to throw.  


Vert Continuation Drill


This drill focuses on continuing disc movement in a vertical stack. Person with the disc has the option of giving a fake for the undercut or throwing it deep to the next cutter. Cuts start from the back of the stack. Each cutter will not cut under until they have been given a fake to do so. MOST IMPORTANT THING: CUTTERS NEED TO LOOK AT THEIR HANDLER TO KNOW WHEN TO COME UNDER. PERSON WITH DISC MUST FAKE TO GET AN UNDER CUT.  


Handler wrap drill


Drill used to practice disc movement.  


Zone Arrow




Reset from the Center (Wheel)


This is how we want to reset and swing the disc when the disc starts in the middle of the field  


Reset from the Center (Wheel)


This is how we want to reset and swing the disc when the disc starts in the middle of the field  


Diagonal stack


Diagonal vertical stack that gives open side lots of space to catch disc. players in stack should be an arm's length away from each other  


Arrow Right


Call for beating open side poaches  


Arrow Left


Call for beating centerfield  


Bullet Bill


ho stack