Soccer Breakaway 1
dcfalconPassing drill to simulate dribbling up the field and passing to a teammate.
Endzone - disc on the sideline
giuliaalberiniWhen the disc is on the sideline with play with the handlers in order to get the disc out of the side line, either by scoring or by getting the disc back to the middle of the field.
Endzone - Disc in the middle
giuliaalberiniNote: If the continuation cut doesn't connect or the play is not running as it should, you can always dump and reset. After the dump you can then run the end zone play according to where the disc is on the field.
Kto dogoni psa
adrianszewczulPamiętamy że wszystkie podania upline (na linię) wciskamy TYLKO WTEDY gdy nasz ziomeczek wybiegł w odpowiednim momencie (timing) i wyprzedził mocno swojego obrońcę. Jeśli zamulił to fake i kombinujemy inaczej :)
2-4-1: Wings and Sideline
BobcatBlue1+2: chasers Blue3: Short Deep Blue4: Beast Blue5+6: Wings Blue7: DeepDeep Red1+2+3: handlers Red4+5+6+7: cutters